This past weekend Auntie
Nawna (my sister Shawna), Uncle Don, Shae, Ty and baby
Keira all came in town to visit! Auntie A (my sister Ashley) came in from Chicago as well. It was so nice to have all of us sisters together and even better to have all the kids together at such a fun time of year! Saturday morning we packed up the cars and headed to
Watermans Orchard to pick out pumpkins; this is the orchard I remember going to as a child to pick strawberries! It was really neat being able to have all the kids there together. They had a blast walking through the field to see if they could find the "best" pumpkin. As you can see, Carter picked one nearly double his weight and far to heavy for me to carry, so a photo will just have to do!
Above: Keira 9 1/2 mo., Shaelyn 9, Ceili 2, Tyler 5, and Carter 8 mo.

Carter and his Nana in the
Watermans' barn! He does love her to pieces
never mind the grouchy face...it was nap time! And yes, I know we are missing a shoe. If you have ever had a 8 month old you will know that it is impossible to keep those on their tiny little feet.

On Saturday night, we all ventured up to Conner Prairie to see the Headless Horseman. We took the kids on a haunted wagon ride where they got the
fright of their life, okay so not really but it was really cute and the kids enjoyed so much they wanted to do it again. While at Conner Prairie, we also listened to ghost stories around a campfire, walked through a field of scary scarecrows, had kettle corn, and apple cider....all the signs of a fall festival.

Nana and Papaw with Carter at Conner Prairie.
By the way, Carter just loves this little bear hat. When we were trying it on at the store to see if it would even fit his big head, he got really exciting and starting kicking and laughing....we just had to buy it! I think he likes how soft it is, or who knows, maybe he wishes he was a bear for Halloween. Sorry, no bear costume this year...stayed tuned to check out his costume!