After a 13 hour car ride (more like 20 with a baby), a short stay in Charleston, and a few dozen trips from the front seat to the back seat to soothe little Carter, we finally arrived! So here we are in Hilton Head, South Carolina. Home of the Palmetto Tree, golf courses, and sandy beaches! Carter loved the waves as they crashed against the shore but the sand however, he wanted nothing to do with. He stopped crying just long enough for me to grab a few pictures and then he was off to nap under the beach umbrella.

We took the opportunity to snap a few sunset pictures after we enjoyed a lovely dinner at Hudson's on the Dock!

The guys tried their hand at fishing in the lagoon and Shae and Ty loved watching. They would sit there so brave (there are alligators you know) until the guys reeled a fish in and then all you would hear is little feet hitting the deck, running away from a fish all of five inches long. Don't ask the guys about it though; to them the fish had to have been at least a foot long and so heavy it nearly broke the rod. Their fishing stories are almost as good as their golf game!

Here is Shae in the best seat in the pool. Halfway
between the hot tub and the pool....not to hot and not to cold. That seat was just right!!

Here's Carter sporting his surfer suit while he hangs out in his crab!!

Tylers birthday party at the pool, Shawna filled up water balloons and let the little ones battle it out. It was so cute watching them run around having so much fun! Below is a picture of Tyler with his
arsenal of balloons... by the looks of it he means business and is ready for battle!

Nana and Papaw with Carter and me after dinner and just before sunset! Full bellies, beautiful scenery, and wonderful company. What could be better? Perhaps having
Auntie A there next year!!