Well, we are back. The car is unpacked, the laundry is done, and by now the tans have started to fade....and I am just patiently waiting for the next summer vacation. I absolutely LOVE being able to spend an entire week straight playing outside, not worrying about who is getting dirty and what we are forgetting to get done around the house. I love being with my family and not being interrupted by TV shows or dinner time phone calls. I love when we get home from vacation and I overhear Carter talking to Nutzy about the "dunes"...that just melts my heart and confirms all the reasons why I just love family vacation!

Isn't this lighthouse worth a 1.8 mile hike one way....I think so. (plus the hike back!) It was absolutely gorgeous and my pictures don't really do it justice. It is big, it is old, and it is beautiful!

Just a really good picture of Nana and Papaw from our night out playing putt-putt with the kids....I will have to post a few of those later!

The kids, and really I mean all of us, really had a blast climbing and running down all the sand dunes. If you have never seen them, they are HUGE and they seem to go on forever. Up one side down another, over and over again! This is where Matt and Justin plan on bringing the Bronco and Jeep this fall for a little dune riding action, without the kids don't worry!

Just hanging around camp eating watermelon, going on walks, playing in the dirt and tie-dying a few T-shirts.

Who wouldn't love to go on a vacation where this is the perfect end to a perfect day!
Ok, I'm ready to go back! Papaw and I had so much fun with everyone! Great vacation.
Soooo much fun!! I am ready to go back after looking at the pictures! Hopefully I'll get my pics up soon too! Can't wait til next time!!!
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