Since we had heard so much about how good they usually are, on July 3rd we went to watch the Beech Grove Fireworks with Holly and Justin and the kiddos. And I have to say, for a small town they put on a really nice show!

Carter and
Ceili playing while we enjoy our picnic.

Carter takes a time out from soccer to pick his momma a "flower"!

Keaton nearly tips out of his chair while giving his best efforts to remove his shoe!

Carter's new love.....sparklers!

Carter and
Ceili do a little fireworks watching from the back of the car all decked out with air mattress, comforter and popcorn....thanks Auntie Holly and Justin!
Then on July 4
th we were all excited to head downtown to watch the
Indianapolis fireworks and then came the rain that just would not end. So we improvised and had our own little show at the house under the cover of the front porch! Complete with pulled pork, pasta salad, sparklers fireworks and
ummm yes, rain, and lots of it!

Like I said, they really are his new love!

So we pulled our little bench over and the kids sat and enjoyed watching the dads get soaked as they set off some fireworks the for kids! Who needs downtown when we can do it from the comforts of our own home!

Hope everybody had a safe and happy 4
th...we sure did!
1 comment:
I love the picture of all three of the kiddos on the bench!! Wish I hadn't been sick so I could have been there.
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