Friday, December 17, 2010

Do you hear what I hear?

Few things in life can melt a momma's heart like watching your son parade in through church doors, take a seat up by the alter and sing at the top of his little lungs in a voice that brings tears to your eyes. (even if the girl next to him completely sang over him the entire time) Carter was so excited for his Christmas Program and once he realized that we were front row right in front of him he was all smiles and just kept waving and giving us the thumbs up! And the music, well it was 19 preschoolers all singing in their own time, and it was simply beautiful!


Anonymous said...

ok so i think that the one of carter and his little wave looks like a glimpse of his future on a campaign trail...oh I hope not!

Nana (Deb Mennel) said...

He loved singing in his little Christmas program. He was so proud! There is nothing better than the sound of a child singing! Even better when it's your grandchild!!