Nothing says Memorial Day Weekend like a backyard cookout, camping, and the Indianapolis 500 this year we did a little of it all!

This is the 100
th year celebration of the track being open to racing. Above is the float that celebrated the very first race at
IMS, which was a
Hot air Balloon Race.

If you are from Indy or have ever even heard or watched the race then you know that nothing screams Indianapolis 500 tradition better than the signing of "Back Home Again in Indiana" by Jim
Nabors, which is probably why he got the largest applause at the parade!

Here we are just hanging out, having fun, and trying to beat the heat!

After the parade we went to Nana and Papaw's house for a cookout and the kids nearly fell asleep during their tractor rides. Taking tractor rides is one of Carters absolute favorite things to do while at Nana and Papaws. It is so sweet to watch him having so much fun in their backyard. It reminds me of when I was little running around, throwing sticks in the creek and selling tomatoes out of that same little red wagon.

On Sunday, we headed to
McCormicks Creek to hang out with my other sister who decided to miss the parade festivities to go camping instead. As you can see in the picture above, Carter really takes horseback riding very seriously!

Wow, and this is why we love to camp with the kids....they are covered from head to toe in dirt, eating
s'mores, running around non-stop having the time of their lives, and their little smiles just confirm how much fun we were having!
Now we just cannot wait until Father's Day weekend when we actually get to camp ourselves along with all my sisters and their families.
I love all the happy faces!!
Referencing the little trailer being pulled behind the tractor at Aunt Debbie and Uncle Kens just before the bridge...........I remember that SAME trailer from when I was in 4th grade.....I am rather amazed it has made it this far and am happy to see it pull a new generation of kiddos! I am sure most of its longevity should be attributed to Uncle Ken's custom paint job!!!
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