Friday, January 15, 2010

In the dead of winter,

nothing is more fun
than throwing snowballs at your mom!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

and so we had a Merry little Christmas

Carter is all smiles while he rides his new tractor with a wagon from Santa!

Carter had such a good time playing and hanging out with Jack, Patrick and Alex on Christmas Day at Aunt Traci and Uncle Tim's house.

Decorating cookies for Santa....this is one of Carters most favorite things to do and he was so completely thrilled that Uncle Travis was there to help him.

Uncle Travis, Nana and Papa joined us on Christmas Eve, along with my family, for dinner. The table was tight, the kitchen was crowded but I LOVED seeing everybody at our house for the holidays.

Granny and Papa Bob with all the kiddos while we celebrated Christmas at their house.

ok so here is keira, all smiles for the camera. and no I did not ask her to do this, she saw the camera, put her hands up and just started smiling. She is just like her mom, always ready and willing to smile for the cameras. and a beautiful smile it is!

and this is what happens when three kids, ages 4, 2, and 2, lock themselves in a bathroom with an arsenal of princess make-up. Aren't they beautiful!

We had such a wonderful Christmas, not only that day, but the whole month long. We are so blessed to be so close to our families and so completely lucky that we all enjoy getting together and making memories every chance we get!